Where can I find Mayah's clothing for purchase?
You can browse and buy Mayah's clothing from our official website.
Does Mayah provide international shipping?
Currently, international shipping is not available.
What sizes are offered in Mayah's collection?
Mayah's collection is available in sizes ranging from small to XL. Additionally, custom sizes may be accommodated upon request.
What is Mayah's return and exchange policy?
Mayah allows size exchanges, and returns are accepted only in cases where the garment is faulty, provided proof is provided.
How can I stay informed about new releases and promotions from Mayah?
Stay updated on the latest releases and promotions by following us on Instagram and joining our mailing list.
Does Mayah have a physical store, or is it exclusively online?
Mayah operates exclusively online and does not have a physical store location.
Are there any upcoming sales or discounts at Mayah?
For information about upcoming sales or discounts, please check our social media channels.
Does Mayah offer custom-made or personalized designs?
Yes, Mayah offers the option for minor customizations or personalized designs upon request.